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1 general:: conform


2 Law:: correspond : a : to be in conformity or agreement (the ideal failed to correspond with the reality — J. R. Sutherlandw b : to compare closely : MATCH — usually used with to or with c : to be equivalent or parallel

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3 Law:: tally (with sth) to be the same as or to match another person’s account of sth, another set of figures, etc syn MATCH UP: (her report of what happened tallied exactly with the story of another witnessh

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4 Law:: agree : (both copies agreeb (the story agrees with the factst

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5 Law:: square : to agree precisely : CORRESPOND (your actions should square with your wordsy

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6 Law:: conform (to sth) (it did not conform to the usual stereotype of an industrial cityi

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7 Law:: comport (with) : to be fitting : ACCORD (actions that comport with policya

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8 Law:: correlate : to bear reciprocal or mutual relations : CORRESPOND

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